Bijbel – Bijbelboeken en Bijbelstudies
Hier vindt U een prachtig lied ter ere van God de Vader en Jezus Christus,
met het universum als achtergrond! Want in de Bijbel beschrijft Jezus Christus – de Schepper God – de schepping van het universum.
Muziek: The Almighty God
Audio PlayerPsalm 23
Bijbel studie:
Brieven van de Apostel Petrus
Brieven van de Apostel Johannes
Bijbel: Het boek Spreuken
Book: Lord, What Should I Do?
A book for Christians who are confused by the escalating spiritual and doctrinal chaos in churches today. Which is undermining the true faith of the Bible.
Any religious organization that teaches the Word of God is a target for the forces of evil behind this chaos.
This book clarifies the problem and offers the solution.
Book: The Day Jesus the Christ Died
The Biblical Truth about His Passion, Crucifixion and Resurrection is THE ONLY BOOK to present “the rest of the story”—left out by Mel Gibson in his epic movie The Passion of the Christ.
Without the true historical and biblical facts, one cannot fully understand the meaning of Jesus Christ’s horrific, humiliating and gruesome death by beating, scourging and crucifixion.
The author presents the full biblical account in a most compelling way. As you will see, the truth is more astounding than all of the ideas, superstitions and traditions of men!
Book: The Christian Passover
Details the scriptural and historical truths of the Passover in both the Old and New Testaments, leading the reader stepby-step through every aspect of one of the most vital and fundamental teachings revealed in the Bible.
The book fully explains the meaning of the Christian Passover—a remembrance of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Passover Lamb of God—in a most compelling and inspiring manner.
The full meaning of the body and blood of Jesus Christ is revealed, showing the magnitude of God’s love for every person.
Book: The Life of Jesus Christ; A Harmony Of The Gospels ( In modern English):
Brings to life the message and purpose of the true Jesus, portraying His life and ministry in their true historical setting.
This easy-to-understand, step-by-step account of the life of Christ is an indispensable study aid for every Bible student.
Bible: The Holy Bible In Its Original Order—A Faithful Version With Commentary
Is a new translation that reflects the meaning of the original Hebrew and Greek with fidelity and accuracy—and is the only English version in which the books of the Bible are arranged in their original order.
The easy-to-read translation retains the grace and grandeur of the King James Version while clarifying many of its problematic passages.
Included are commentaries on the writing, canonization and preservation of the Scriptures.
Various appendices cover numerous controversial biblical teachings, and detailed footnotes and marginal references explain hard-to-understand passages.
This Bible is a vital tool for all students of the Bible!
On-Line Epistles Studies for the serious Bible student
—with additional written material and in-depth Bible studies in audio format—can be obtained at: and